To be ready and prepared to send out these query letters, I need a confidence-booster. I still feel a bit uneasy about the query letters I’ve sent out so far. In fact, since I haven’t even gotten a response from any of the editors, I decided that I must be doing something wrong. I need some guidance from an expert. So I signed up for the Write For Magazines 8 week course on The Renegade Writer website. Linda Formichelli is an experienced writer who shares her expertise in how to send out queries, who to send them to, and getting queries read by editors. My whole problem is that I still don’t know how to find the editors to pitch and which publications I should target for the best chance at selling an idea for an article. Linda’s course is all about getting your query letters sent to the best magazines for your subject. I’m really looking forward to taking the course and sending out letters prior to leaving for Europe. I’d really love to go to Italy with an acceptance letter in hand! That would just make my day! I’ll share my progress as the whole thing unfolds. In the meantime, I will continue to work on my writing and my website.
I want to share my query letter with everyone. I would also appreciate some feedback. It would help me to hear whether it is effective or seems weak, strong, or ??? I’ll drop the whole letter into my next post so you can see it and tell me what you think!
If you want to have a look at The Renegade Writer website, you can go here. Maybe you’ll decide to take the course, too!
As I’ve mentioned a number of times, Gordon Burgett is a wealth of information for the writer. You can sign up for his newsletters and read through his blog. He’s had an amazing career as a writer and an editor for various magazines. Check out some of his products and see if they are right for what you want to do. I heartily recommend his book, “The Travel Writer’s Guide”. It’s excellent!
How to Get Your Book Published Free in Minutes and Marketed Worldwide in Days
Test Your Niche Book First!
Travel Writer’s Guide (Trade Paperback Book)
How to Set Up and Market Your Own Seminar (audio series)