Travel Blog
How To Save Money On Your Way To Great Destinations
“I am by no means a hardcore travel hacker. I’m just a guy who wants to take advantage of everything I can to travel better and cheaper. I’ll leave...
The Travel Clock Waits For No One
In the last post, I talked a little about the importance of consistent travel throughout your life (and regrettably, how I failed to follow my own...
So I Waited Longer To Travel Than I Should Have…
“OK, I admit it. I goofed.” Where has the time gone? There are a lot of reasons (and excuses) for why it has taken me so long to do the one thing...
Review Of IRS Rules For Deducting Travel
I’ve been doing some more research on what the IRS says you can and cannot deduct when you travel. This is important to know so that you don’t run...
Planning For The (not too distant) Future
It’s Halloween tonight, and children are starting to appear at the door with parents, friends and brothers and sisters to chaperone them. I’m...
My Query Letter For Your Consideration
I’ve been hesitant to post this query letter. It’s my first one, so naturally I’m concerned that it’s not as good as it should be. But, since I’ve...
(Writing) Plans For The Future
I’ve been thinking about my upcoming trip to Italy. This is the perfect opportunity to query editors about some of the places and things I plan to...
Time-Wasters and Distractions For Writers
It’s all-consuming at times. It’s a little intimidating as well. The time you spend on the activities you think will help you build a business is...
How To Save Money On Your Way To Great Destinations
“I am by no means a hardcore travel hacker. I’m just a guy who wants to take advantage of...
The Travel Clock Waits For No One
In the last post, I talked a little about the importance of consistent travel throughout your life...
So I Waited Longer To Travel Than I Should Have…
“OK, I admit it. I goofed.” Where has the time gone? There are a lot of reasons (and excuses) for...
Review Of IRS Rules For Deducting Travel
I’ve been doing some more research on what the IRS says you can and cannot deduct when you...
Planning For The (not too distant) Future
It’s Halloween tonight, and children are starting to appear at the door with parents, friends and...
My Query Letter For Your Consideration
I’ve been hesitant to post this query letter. It’s my first one, so naturally I’m concerned that...
(Writing) Plans For The Future
I’ve been thinking about my upcoming trip to Italy. This is the perfect opportunity to query...
Time-Wasters and Distractions For Writers
It’s all-consuming at times. It’s a little intimidating as well. The time you spend on the...